
Classical tetris game but...

  • What falls off is a puzzle
  • Fill in the puzzle with tetrominoes to clear it
  • Game ends when puzzles reach the top of the playing field

Function of the UI in the right side (from above to below):

  • Adjust game speed by the slider
  • Clear puzzle to achieve score
  • The next puzzle
  • The current tetromino
  • The next tetromino

How to play

  • Q/E: Rotate the puzzle piece
  • A/D: Move the puzzle piece horizontally
  • S: Move the puzzle piece downwards
  • Space: Hard drop the puzzle piece
  • Mouse wheel: Rotate the tetromino piece
  • Press F or Click middle mouse button: Flip the tetromino piece
  • Left click: Set tetromino to the puzzle


Source code: Here


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